Auto Tack Mat is made with a reinforced aluminum material that has been imbedded with sharp metal tacks. When installed in the vehicle’s engine the sharp metal tacks create an inhospitable surface that deters rodent occupation. Auto Tack Mat is simple to install and does not require active maintenance.
Auto Tack Mat is available in two sizes (12” x 12” and 12” x 17”). The mat can be cut into smaller sections and can be cut to fit irregular shapes. While all engines vary in layout, some passenger vehicles may only need ½ of the 12” x 12” mat, leaving the other half available for installation in a separate vehicle. The two-sided adhesive squares provided can be cut into smaller sections as needed for installation in smaller spaces.
Electric or hybrid engines with large batteries (level areas that rodents love) may require the 12” x 17” mat to adequately cover the battery surface.